
Showing posts from April, 2011

Theory of the Arts: 4 Stages to Critical Analysis (Criticism)

Theory of the Arts: 4 Stages to Critical Analysis ( Criticism ) Initial Reaction initial identification to a work of art Description organization in a work; how principles of art have been used to arrange elements in a work of art Interpretation identifying meaning; the artist's expression / communication of feelings, moods and ideas in a work of art Evaluation judgment; assessing the meaning and artistic merit in a work of art

Sociology: McDonaldization of Society

Sociology: McDonaldization of Society McDonaldization of Society by: George Ritzer (1993) Rationalization - the way in which traditional, spontaneous, rule of thumb methods of social organization are replaced by abstract, explicit and carefully calculated rules and procedures Mcdonaldization - the process in which the priciples of fast food restaurant are coming  to dominate more and more sectors of society for the rest of the world - the increasing rationalization of the routine tasks of everyday life 5 Dominant Themes of Mcdonaldization Efficiency : choosing of means to reach a specific end rapidly with the least amount of cost or effort Calculability : emphasis onthings that can be calculated and quantified [ quantification : tendency to emphasize quantity rather than quality ] Predictability : rational people need to know what to expect, they wanted to be sure that fun, satisfaction, taste and benefis they receive today will be repeated again Increase Contro...

Sociology: Attitude Towards Cultural Variations

Sociology: Attitude Towards Cultural Variations 1. Ethnocentrism practice of judging all other cultures by one's own culture based on assumption that one's way of life is superior to all others forms of ethnocentrism            - positive ethnocentrism: school songs, national anthem, pledge to flags/patriotism           - negative ethnocentrism: customs, dress, eating habits, religious beliefs is marked differently from those of dominant group members 2. Cultural Relativism inverse/opposite of Ethnocentrism practice of judging other cultures by his own context 3. Xenocentrism preference the products, styles, ideas, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own (colonial mentality); Xeno means foreign 4. Cultural Shock when you are confronted with other culture, there is a feeling of anxiety and disorientation 5. Cultural Lag maladaptation maladjustment there is rapid improvement whe...

Sociology: Universal Concept of Suicide

Universal Concept of Suicide *Based on Imbalanced Integration 1. Egoistic - too little integrated (selfishness) 2. Altruistic - too much integrated (selflessness/you die for the sake of) *Based on Moral Regulation 1. Anomic (anomie – normlessness) - needs unfulfilled     -- acute economic anomie – decrease of ability of social institution     -- chronic economic anomie – industrial goals of wealth does not result in happiness     -- acute domestic anomie – sudden change in microsocial level     -- chronic domestic anomie – marriage over regulated the life

Sociology: Six (6) Stages of Economic Development

Six (6) Stages of Economic Development Primitive Communalism Slavery Feudalism Capitalism Socialism Communism

Sociologists: Famous Names in Sociology

Sociologists: Famous Names in Sociology Sociology – “socius” meaning “being with others” Auguste Comte ( 1798 – 1857 ) father of Modern Sociology Positivism 3 Stages of Humanity Theological(divine right theory) Metaphysical(philosophies/social contract theory/democracy) Positivism/Science(industrialization) Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) social Darwinism Karl Marx (1818-1883) Father of Communism Communism Manifesto Das Capital Stages of Economic Development Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) translated all Comte’s work to English first feminist sociologist Emile Durkheim (1858-1920) social facts, science approach to phenomena sociological method, religion and suicide cohesion(bond), integration(harmony), solidarity(state of being solidly united) Max Weber (1864-1920) on the spirit of Capitalism protestant Ethic Division of Labor Rationalism Bureaucracy Talcott Parsons Functionalism

Origin and Development of Sociology (Modes of Survival and Production): Evolution of Humanity

Modes of Survival and Production Evolution of Humanity 1. Hunting-Gathering Nomads Hand-to-mouth existence(trial and error) High mortality rate Carnivorous Pre-literate society Myths/animism(worship of nature) Family – clan – band – tribe – community – kingdom Pantheism – statue Mono/polytheism No sense of ownership Sparse (few people) 2. Horticultural Backyard farming/permanent location Omnivorous Government Barter/trade Treasure is based on land Regular population increase Regular eating of meals and festivals 3. Pastoral Animal hearding (livestock) Formation of early kingdoms Fortification(walls) Tax, currency 4. Agricultural Feudalism Usury(province) Satraphy(province) Government absolutely monarchy(Divine Right Theory / God incarnate) 5. Industrial 1776 – 1945 Industrial revolution in England Creation of machines 6. Post-Industrial Today, 21st century

Advertising: History of Print Media

Advertising: History of Print Media Registro Mercantil de Manila (1824 – 1833, Phils.) - the first newspaper publication that advertise local products on their papers - published current prices of commodities La Esperanza - featured box announcements; includes auction, lost and found La Illustracion Filipina (1859 – 1860) - began to featured illustrated ads El Comercio - box notice, ads with a full illustration 1900 - improved commerce promoted print advertising - newspapers were sometimes trilingual - fast transformation 1920 - formal advertising began There used to be one man advertising - maintain contact with advertisers - writes advertising copy - present layout and work - deliver to publication Spacemen/Space brokers - solicitors whom newspapers hired to sell space to clients - prepare their own layout, copy and artwork - seek to fulfill quota - serve the personal taste of their own clients (no artist discretion) - also sold circulation ...