Sociology: Attitude Towards Cultural Variations 1. Ethnocentrism practice of judging all other cultures by one's own culture based on assumption that one's way of life is superior to all others forms of ethnocentrism - positive ethnocentrism: school songs, national anthem, pledge to flags/patriotism - negative ethnocentrism: customs, dress, eating habits, religious beliefs is marked differently from those of dominant group members 2. Cultural Relativism inverse/opposite of Ethnocentrism practice of judging other cultures by his own context 3. Xenocentrism preference the products, styles, ideas, or ideas of someone else's culture rather than of one's own (colonial mentality); Xeno means foreign 4. Cultural Shock when you are confronted with other culture, there is a feeling of anxiety and disorientation 5. Cultural Lag maladaptation maladjustment there is rapid improvement whe...
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