S.M.A.R.T. | 5 Pointers in Setting Goals

Last time, we learn about the steps to achieve our goals, and just as promised, we will dig into it a bit more. Today, I'll share with you the acronym S.M.A.R.T. which stands for the 5 pointers in goal setting. We can use this pointers to assess our plan and capabilities in achieving our goals. This tool can be helpful not only in workplaces, but also for personal aspirations. SPECIFIC Do you know exactly what you want to accomplish with all the details? Does 'increase product sales' to vague? Of course, it is. When setting a goal, we should be specific and detailed as much as possible. So instead of saying 'increase product sales,' aim to be particular with its details — what products should increase sales, why it should increase its sales? Let's say that our goal now is to increase the product sales of shirts with printed quotes. The store haven't sold any shirts of this kind since the last two months. Now you are going to plan on how to...