English: Subject and Verb Agreement

Basic Rule: A singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Example: She dances gracefully. (singular) They dance together. (plural) Rule 1: Two singular subjects connected by "or" or "nor" require a singular verb. Example: Mom or dad is arriving at 10 in the morning. Rule 2: Two singular subjects connected by "either/or" or "neither/nor" require a singular verb. Example: Neither Tina nor Anne is available. Either Tom or Dan is working today. Rule 3: If "I" is one of the two subjects connected by either/or or neither/nor, put it second and follow it with the singular verb am. Example: Neither she nor I am going to the party. Rule 4: If a singular subject is connected by "or" or "nor" to a plural subject,place the plural subject last and use a plural verb. Example: The cook book or the fiction novels go on that shelf. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...